Offenders (48)
List View of Offenders
The addresses posted on this offender registry by the Caldwell County Sheriff's Department may be in error due to the improper reporting by the offenders. Please report any errors to the Caldwell County Sheriff's Department.
Missouri Sex Offender Tiers
Tier Level 1 - 589.414.4
- 15-year registration requirement
- Shall report to CLEO in person annually during the month of the offenders birth
- May file for petition in court of adjudication for removal from the registry after 10 years if clean record removal is met (589.401.4)
Tier Level 2 - 589.414.6
- 25-year registration requirement
- Shall report to CLEO in person semi-annually during the month of the offender's birth and 6 months thereafter
- May file petition in the court of adjudication for removal from the registry following 25 years if clean record removal is met (589.401.4)
Tier Level 3 - 589.414.7
- LIFETIME registration requirement
- Shall report to CLEO in person every 90 days
- Not eligible to file petition for removal from the sex offender registry, unless the requirement to register results from an adjudicated delinquent (juvenile) adjudication, after 25 years and the clean record removal is met (589.401.4)